Parasites of Birds

Do you work with wild birds? Have you come across parasites such as mites, ticks or worms in the droppings? Did you know the significance, or how to treat this problem?

Parasites are a common finding with wild birds, but they do not always cause clinical problems or disease for the bird. However, in some cases, disease caused by parasites can be severe or even life threatening. In this short course, Dr. Janelle Ward will explain the significance of common avian parasites and typical presentations and symptoms (clinical signs). You will learn how to diagnose the most common parasites seen in birds, and how and when to treat them. You will also learn how and when to collect and send a sample for a faecal egg count, how to interpret the results, and the most appropriate treatment for external and internal parasites. The majority of this information equally applies to pet and aviary birds.

This course includes downloadable documents for your reference including parasite and treatment charts.

NOTE that some images of bird pathology (including necropsy photos) can be disturbing and parental guidance is recommended for children under 16.

This course is suitable for animal care students, vets, veterinary nurses, wildlife technicians and wildlife rehabilitators. It may also be of interest for keepers of birds in the home or aviary setting.

Meet Dr. Janelle Ward

Wildlife Veterinarian
Co-Founder, Learn Bird Care

Dr Janelle Ward is an avian and wildlife veterinarian and formed Learn Bird Care Ltd with Mandy Robertson in 2017. Together they provide online training courses about the health and care of birds, particularly wild birds and rehabilitation. Janelle also works part-time for a wildlife sanctuary, Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari, where she manages the biodiversity activities including species translocations and takahe breeding. From 2017-2022, Janelle provided technical advice for the NZ Department of Conservation on all aspects of wildlife rehabilitation in New Zealand.


    1. Human Health and Safety

    2. Parasites of Birds Presentation

    3. External Parasites

    4. Video - lice in a fledgling pigeon

    5. Internal Parasites

    6. Bird Parasites Treatment Chart

    1. A fun quiz to test your learning

About this course

  • $37.00
  • 10 lessons

What Others Have Said

5 star rating

Very valuable knowledge

Francina Evegaars- van der Marel

A course you have to do when you are a rehabber of birds. Gives you more knowledge about all kind of parasites, how to recognize and treat them. The extra bo...

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A course you have to do when you are a rehabber of birds. Gives you more knowledge about all kind of parasites, how to recognize and treat them. The extra bonus is a tutorial on how to do an egg count under an microscope. Really recommend this course.

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